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August 16, 2024

What are Periodontal Pockets?

Filed under: Uncategorized — drakevotodds @ 1:17 am

Periodontal pocket compared to healthy gumsCavities aren’t the only threat to your dental health. Gum disease is also a leading cause of tooth loss. What’s more, it can affect your overall wellness negatively. Advanced gum disease has been linked to cardiovascular disease, Alzheimer’s, and many other health conditions. Although gum disease is preventable, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reports that at least 50% of adults have a form of the infection. Your dentist checks for signs of gum disease at each dental cleaning and checkup. They’ll measure your periodontal pockets to ensure your gums are healthy. Here’s what you need to know about periodontal pockets and how to get rid of them.


June 8, 2024

Dental Discoloration: Why Does It Happen?

Filed under: Uncategorized — drakevotodds @ 3:45 pm
Nose-to-chin frontal view of a woman smiling with half her teeth whitened

If you can’t get moving in the morning without a strong cup of hot coffee, you’re not alone. There’s nothing quite like that first sip before you start the day. Unfortunately, your caffeinated beverage is on the list of darkly pigmented foods that can stain your teeth.

Thankfully, your dentist can address unsightly discoloration that detracts from your appearance with professional teeth whitening services. But do you know how or why it happens in the first place? Continue reading to learn more about how coffee and other culprits dim your grin!


April 18, 2024

Invisalign Insight: 5 FAQs About Clear Aligners, Answered!

Filed under: Uncategorized — drakevotodds @ 3:35 pm
Smiling patient talking to dental assistant in office

Over the last two decades, Invisalign has become widely known, even among those who aren’t interested in pursuing orthodontics. If you are, however, then it’s a good idea to dedicate some time to researching clear aligner treatment. That way, the transition to life with braces is smooth and seamless! With this in mind, keep reading for the answers to frequently asked questions about Invisalign.


February 13, 2024

Have My Teeth Shifted Since I Finished Invisalign?

Filed under: Uncategorized — drakevotodds @ 6:40 pm
Sleeping lady in distress due to teeth grinding

The human body changes throughout the course of its lifecycle, and while every orthodontic patient would love to think that their teeth will stay in place after they are done with treatment, this is sadly not the case. Teeth can shift out of place as the mouth continues to develop with age, and this can unfortunately undo much of the hard work of wearing Invisalign, braces, or another orthodontic appliance. Here’s why your teeth may have changed positions and what you can do to address the problem.


December 15, 2023

Having a Chair of Confidence: Why You Shouldn’t Fret Dental Implant Surgery

Filed under: Uncategorized — drakevotodds @ 6:48 pm
A woman looking nervous in the dentist’s chair before her dental implant surgery

Dental implants have changed the lives of thousands of patients with their innovative technology. However, many patients who haven’t undergone the surgery have no idea what to expect. They may even have doubts about whether they should do dental implant surgery at all!

Don’t worry. Dental implant surgery may seem daunting, but the positive outcomes far outweigh any initial jitters. If you want more proof of why you should be confident of the procedure, continue reading.


October 6, 2023

How Can I Prevent My Dentures from Becoming Foul-Smelling?

Filed under: Uncategorized — drakevotodds @ 5:58 pm
a closeup of a patient holding their dentures

Dentures are perhaps the most tried-and-true of all dental restorations; they’ve assisted countless generations of patients with missing teeth, and due to advancements in dental technology, likely aren’t disappearing anytime soon! That said, as convenient and life-changing as dentures can be for patients with compromised smiles, they have the tendency to become foul-smelling if they aren’t correctly cared for. Continue reading below to learn a little more about why this can sometimes happen, along with a few tips to help you keep your dentures clean and pleasant to wear!


August 16, 2023

Causes of Bad Breath & What to Do About It

Filed under: Uncategorized — drakevotodds @ 11:18 pm
image of foods that can cause bad breath

National Fresh Breath Day falls on August 6th, offering an excellent opportunity to celebrate the pleasures of having minty-fresh breath while reinforcing the habits that sustain it. Gaining insight into the possible causes of bad breath can prove valuable on this occasion. Continue reading to delve into various factors that can contribute to bad breath and uncover preventive measures to keep it at bay.


June 3, 2023

Why Toothpicks Aren’t Suitable for Your Smile

Filed under: Uncategorized — drakevotodds @ 5:14 pm

Throughout our lives, we’ll occasionally encounter food objects that are notorious for becoming stuck between our teeth—and when this happens, it can make smiling quite awkward, especially if we don’t even realize the debris is visible! But of course, the threat to your oral health is just as important, meaning that this issue should be resolved quickly. One option that many people utilize for this is a toothpick—but despite its name, using one is not always a good idea. Here’s more from your trusted dentist about the potential harm that can befall your smile if you use toothpicks too frequently, along with some safer alternatives worth considering.


April 2, 2023

4 Reasons to Appreciate Dental Hygienists

Filed under: Uncategorized — drakevotodds @ 5:05 am
a dental hygienist and a patient smiling

When you visit your dentist, no matter what the appointment is for, there are a few different people that you interact with: the front staff who greet you, the dentist whose name is on the sign, and of course, the skilled team of dental hygienists who carry out a large part of your care! In fact, without them, receiving top-of-the-line oral health care simply wouldn’t be possible. Keep reading to learn about four reasons why dental hygienists are worthy of your appreciation in honor of Dental Hygienist Week this April.


February 8, 2023

Keep Your Invisalign Aligners Spotless with Cleaning Crystals

Filed under: Uncategorized — drakevotodds @ 10:17 pm
a picture of aligners and Invisalign cleaning crystals

You are so excited to be on the journey to straighter teeth with Invisalign! You have been wanting to fix your smile for a long time and now you are finally doing it. While you love the convenience and discretion of the removable aligners, you have noticed that they are becoming a bit discolored and yellow. Fortunately, your dentist already provided a solution for this problem by giving you a few packets of cleaning crystals in your Invisalign kit. Read on to learn more about this helpful product and how to use it!

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